Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hold Up...Do What????

So I'm reading this article today from the Associated Press about this guy in Georgia who had been jailed for not paying child support....The story is something to the effect that the man was with this woman some 20 odd years ago, a child was conceived, they broke up, and then she applied for assistance. Well when she did this, of course they (the State) went back to lil' buddy looking for him to pay for this child. So, the guy did what he was supposed to and provided support for this child for about 13 years, then at some point around that 13th year, something came over his spirit, I guess that said "check into that, that baby may not be yours". Next up was the DNA test, and come to find out, in the words of my good buddy Maury, "You are NOT the father"...

But this is where it gets a little complicated to me, after he finds out he's not the father he goes back to court and to get the child support order terminated, and that goes as planned, but then the judge orders him to still pay back child support....Hold up...Do What???? According to the judge, he still owed close to $20,000 for all the time before the ruling to drop the child support order....

And do you know, that lil' buddy, according court documents was paying on this back child support, for like 6 years, and then he lost his job and even became homeless. So, because he fell behind on the back, the State locked him up for a year. Now come on, was that really all that necessary?? I don't know what's crazier the fact that he was ordered to pay back, that he kept paying it, or that they locked him up for it.

Where is/was the "baby mama" when all this was going on? Probably somewhere collecting her check. Maybe she should have paid the back....

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