Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Maybe You Should Have Checked Yourself First

Today, I came across a news blurb about Microsoft Corp. For those of you that haven't had a chance to come across this story, it goes a little something like this: Microsoft has made a public apology for changing the race of a person in one of its photo ads. to go a little deeper the US ad has 3 people in it, two men (one Asian and one Black) and a White woman, however the same ad on MicroSoft's Polish website has taken the Black man's head off and replaced it with that of a white man. The kicker is, the photo editor forgot to change the man's hands, so the end result is a White man with black hands...

So, the first question that comes to mind, is how much of a big deal is it? Really, how many people looked at that ad, and didn't even notice it? Does it really warrant a public apology, or is more of an "oops, my bad" type situation. I'm no expert, but you kinda have to look hard at this one...And really if you Microsoft issues a public apology, shouldn't L'Oreal do the same thing for their ad featuring Beyonce (which the darker version of her ended up in magazines like Essence, Ebony, and Jet, and the lighter versions ended up in Cosmo, Redbook, etc.)????

Perhaps the media, bloggers, and the such are blowing this way out of proportion...I don't know, you be the judge!!!